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One of the most perplexing issues for risk managers is to determine appropriate capital buffers for operational risks. Operational VaR is the subject of this seminar, including discussion of loss models, standard functional forms, both analytical and simulation methods, and the aggregation of operational risk over all business lines and event types.


At the end of Intrinsic Value's training seminar in operational VaR (OptVaR) the participant should be able to:

􀂅  Explain the Loss Model Approach.

􀂅  Explain the Frequency Distribution.

􀂅  Explain the Severity Distribution.

􀂅  Demonstrate the Internal Measurement Approach.

􀂅  Explain the Loss Distribution Approach.

􀂅  Demonstrate Aggregating Operational Risk Capital (ORC).

Training Seminar in Operational Value-at-Risk (OptVaR)

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