Intrinsic Value
knowledge and an intensive practical – financial and statistical experience of over than 9 years in the areas of risk management, valuation and economic consulting, including performing hundreds of valuation engagements and economic consulting analyses for public traded and private companies in Israel. Among the office’s clients are accounting firms in Israel.
Intrinsic Value offers to assist your organization with valuation and risk management for implementing of regulatory orders, both local (existing orders of Bank of Israel, Capital Market Division, Galai II, HS-STD and others) and foreign (Basel and Solvency), for compliance with accounting standards, both Israeli and foreign (IFRS and U.S. GAAP), for transaction purposes, for tax purposes, and for your organization’s specific needs.
Intrinsic Value' experts use closed-form, numerical and Monte Carlo simulation valuation methods in order to bridge quantitative financial theory and real world practice.
Intrinsic Value offers your organization a diverse range of training seminars in the following areas: finance theory, financial instruments, financial markets, mathematical foundations of risk management, risk management practices, Risk management case studies from the past, financial and economic modeling using Excel and additional training seminars customized to your organization’s specific needs.
Intrinsic Value' experts use their in-depth knowledge and experience in the foundations of risk management and financial markets and products in order to build and present training seminars that integrate quantitative financial theory with practical application.
Owner - Mr. Roi Polanitzer, MBA, CRM, FRM
Education Details
Roi Polanitzer, FRM, has an MBA (cum laude) in Business Administration specializing in finance and risk management and a BA (cum laude) in Economics specializing in finance and portfolio management, both from Ben Gurion University, and had successfully completed all the exams administered by the Israel Securities Authority (ISA) for a Portfolio Manager License
He is a Certified Financial Risk Manager (FRM) from the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), Certified Risk Manager (CRM) from the Israeli Association of Risk Managers (IARM) and had successfully completed more than 250 hours course "Financial Risk Management - FRM@ Program" of the Academic Chapter of GARP in Israel as well as advanced courses and training seminars in mathematics, statistics, actuarial and financial engineering.
His areas of expertise are finance and banking, valuation and risk management, options and financial engineering, corporate finance.
Professional Experience Details
Roi Polanitzer, FRM, engages intensively and has an extensive experience in consulting for accounting firms, economic consulting firms and public companies on corporate valuation, quantitative finance & derivatives valuation, financial and economic modeling and risk measurement and management.
He is involved both in the present and in the past in many business appraisals, purchase price allocation, goodwill impairment tests and valuation of complex financial instruments projects in the private sector of the Israeli economy.
He had published academic papers on finance and banking in professional peer-reviewed journals and many educational papers on valuation, risk management on various web sites.
He had founded "Intrinsic Value", which provides financial consulting in the areas of valuation, risk management, and others. He is the first Israeli Business Appraiser to ever successfully complete all the exams administered both by the GARP, the IARM and the ISA, and therefore achieve both the Financial Risk Manager (FRM) designation (the globally oldest and best-known professional certification in the risk field) and the Certified Risk Manager (CRM) designation (the Israeli recognized standard for those who manage risk).
He had taught courses in various financial areas such as securities and financial instruments analysis, portfolio management, financial statement analysis, valuation techniques, derivatives and risk management.
He is an Individual Member of the GARP, Sustaining Member of the PRMIA and a Member in Good Standing of the IARM.
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About us
Intrinsic Value is a consulting and training boutique specializing in state-of-the-art valuation of business and complex financial instruments as well as risk measurement and management tools and techniques such as VaR analysis, Monte Carlo Simulation, Forecasting, Optimization, Statistics and Risk Modeling. Analyze and measure corporations and financial instruments at risk; identify, quantify, value, hedge, mitigate, and diversify risk. The office is run by an economist who has an extensive theoretical – economic