We at Intrinsic Value offer your organization a diverse range of training seminars in the following areas: finance theory, financial instruments, financial markets, mathematical foundations of risk management, risk management practices, risk management case studies from the past, financial and economic...

About Us
Intrinsic Value is a consulting and training boutique specializing in state-of-the-art valuation of business and complex financial instruments as well as risk measurement and management tools and techniques such as VaR analysis, Monte Carlo Simulation, Forecasting, Optimization, Statistics and Risk...

Copyright © 2011 Intrinsic Value. All rights reserved This Website was built by Mr. Roi Polanitzer, MBA, CRM, FRM
We at Intrinsic Value offer to assist your organization with valuation and risk management for implementing of regulatory orders, both local (existing orders of Bank of Israel, Capital Market Division, Galai II, HS-STD and others) and foreign (Basel and Solvency), for financial reporting purposes, according to both...