ion, an Operational Risk Actuary designation, an Investment Risk Actuary designation, a Life Risk Actuary designation, and Pensions Risk Actuary designation from an Israeli organization called IAVFA and a Certified Risk Manager designation from an Israeli organization called IARM.
My Areas of expertise are Finance, Risk Management, Options and Financial Engineering.
Professional Experience Details
I have been serving as advisor to leading insurance companies, public and private companies, accounting firms and economic advisory firms in Israel.
I have published a few empirical studies as academic papers in in professional peer-reviewed journals with the late Dr. Shilo Lifschutz, whom I worked for as a research assistant in the area of risk management in the Israeli banking system. I have published hunderds of educational papers on valuation and risk management in a journal for Managerial and Strategic Thinking called Status.
I am a part of a group that won in two tenders of the Israel Tax Authority to serve as advisors for the ISA in the field of valuations both on changing business structure and intangible assets related to real estate transactions.
I am included in the list of expert witnesses of the magistrate courts in the district of Tel Aviv, magistrate courts in the district of Haifa District, magistrate court in Kiryat Gat, magistrate court in Ashkelon and other in the areas of valuation, risk management, economics, finance, investment, actuarial science and more.
I taught courses at various academic institutions in various financial areas such as securities and financial instruments analysis, portfolio management, financial statement analysis, valuation, derivatives, risk management, corporate finance, banking, statistics and stochastic processes.
During the past decade, I have been actively involved in performing thousands of valuations and economic consultations in Israel in a variety of areas, totaling billions of US dollars.
I have been serving for over a year now as the Chairman and CEO of the Israel Association of Valuators and Financial Actuaries (IAVFA), which was established by me in order to voluntarily regulate the professions of financial valuation and financial actuarial science in Israel. I am responsible for writing IAVFA's Professional Standards and Statement of Financial Valuation Standards (SFAVs) as well as writing IAVFA's weekly newsletter.
I founded "Intrinsic Value", which deals in financial consulting in the areas of valuation and risk management.
Mr. Polanitzer engages intensively and has an extensive experience in consulting for accounting firms, economic consulting firms and public companies on corporate valuation, quantitative finance & derivatives valuation, financial and economic modeling and risk measurement and management.
Hereinafter is a sample of the works carried out by me, dealing in financial areas:
Solvency and Financial Stability Opinions.
Fairness Opinions.
Model Validation Works.
Economic Works for the Purposes of Financial Reporting.
VaR Model Development.
Risk Management Consulting.
Development of Risk Management System.
Development of a Benchmark for Debt Management.
Valuations of Financial Products and Embedded Options.
Development of an Algorithm for Calculating Yield Curves from Market Data.
Pricing and Hedging of Financial Transactions for Various Investors.
Valuation of Complex Assets and Employee Stock Option Packages.
Analysis of Probability to Default of Bond Issuers and Series of Debentures.
Professional Opinions For the Courts and Regulators.
Hereinafter are additional details about my education, jobs and roles both in the past and in the present:
Intrinsic Value - Independent Business Appraisers 10-current
MATI – the Haifa Business Development Center, Adjunct Lecturer for a business valuation Course 15
Ariel University, Academic Chapter of GARP in Israel, Adjunct Lecturer for Statistics and Stochastics 13 Processes Courses
Dr. Shilo Lifschutz, Research and Teaching Assistant 06-10
Raveh Ravid & Co. CPA in Israel, Founder and the Head of Corporate Valuations 09
Ogen Ltd. - Actuarial, Financial and Business Consulting, Risk Manager, Founder and Head of Fair 08-09
Achva Academic College, Management Faculty, Adjunct Lecturer for Derivatives and Risk 08-08
Management Courses
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Investment Committee, Risk Manager and Chief Modelist 07-08
Ashkelon Academic College, School of Economics, Adjunct Lecturer for Financial Statement 07-08
Analysis and Valuations Courses
Private course, Lecturer for Securities and Financial Instruments Analysis and Portfolio Management 06-07
PRA, Pensions Risk Actuary 2015
LRA, Life Risk Actuary 2015
IRA, Investment Risk Actuary 2015
ORA, Operational Risk Actuary 2015
CRA, Credit Risk Actuary 2015
MRA, Market Risk Actuary 2015
FEM, Financial and Economic Modelist 2015
QFV, Quantitative Finance Valuator 2015
CFV, Corporate Finance Valuator 2015
CRM, Certified Risk Manager 2013
FRM, Financial Risk Manager 2013
Successful Completion of Advanced Courses in Mathematics and Statistics at Program for 2012
Certificate Studies in Actuarial Science, University of Haifa
M.B.A., Ben Gurion University. Business Administration and Finance (Cum Laude) 2008
Successful Completion of all the Portfolio Manager's License Exams, Israel Securities Authority (ISA) 2006
Successful Completion of Advanced Courses in Mathematics and Finance for M.A. Studies in 2006
Economics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
B.A., Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Economics and Finance (Cum Laude) 2006
Value-at-Risk and Financial Risk Management, Options and Other Derivatives, Financial Engineering, Structured Products, Stochastic Processes, Monte Carlo Simulations, Corporate Finance and Banking.
Chairman of IAVFA 2015 Founder and CEO of IAVFA ( 2014
ועי פולניצר, בעלים של שווי פנימי - יעוץ בהערכות שווי וניהול סיכונים. Roi Polanitzer, the owner of Intrinsic Value - Valuation and Risk Management
Mr. Polanitzer's Corporate Finance Valuator (CFV) Certificate (Hebrew)
Mr. Polanitzer's Quantitative Finance Valuator (QFV) Certificate (Hebrew)
Mr. Polanitzer's Financial and Economic Modelist (FEM) Certificate (Hebrew)
Mr. Polanitzer's Market Risk Actuary (MRA) Certificate (Hebrew)
Mr. Polanitzer's Credit Risk Actuary (CRA) Certificate (Hebrew)
Mr. Polanitzer's Operational Risk Actuary (ORA) Certificate (Hebrew)
Mr. Polanitzer's Investment Risk Actuary (IRA) Certificate (Hebrew)
Mr. Polanitzer's Certified Risk Manager (CRM) Certificate (Hebrew)
Mr. Polanitzer's Financial Risk Manager (FRM) Certificate (English)
Mr. Polanitzer's Financial Risk Management Certificate (Hebrew)
Mr. Polanitzer's Master of Business Administration (MBA) Certificate (English)
Mr. Polanitzer's Bachelor of Arts (BA) Certificate (English)
Owner - Mr. Roi Polanitzer
Education Details
I hold an M.B.A degree from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, with specialization in Finance and a B.A. in Economics degree from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, also with specialization in Finance. I have studied in the Program for Certificate Studies in Actuarial Science at the University of Haifa. I hold a Financial Risk Manager designation from an international organization called GARP. I also hold a Corporate Finance Valuator designation, a Quantitative Finance Valuator designation, a Financial and Economic Modelist designation, a Market Risk Actuary designation, a Credit Risk Actuary designat-