The seminar introduces the topic of liquidity risk management; and details some of the fundamental tools and methodologies involved in the identification, management and reporting of the components of Liquidity Risk.
At the end of Intrinsic Value's training seminar in liquidity risk management the participant should be able to:
Describe the factors which determine liquidity risks, and their pricing
Identify the processes concerning collateral management.
Discuss the implications of managing liquidity across business lines,
legalentities, and currencies.
List the elements of funding diversification and market access.
Contrast the choices for intra-day management of liquidity.
Identify and differentiate the early warning signs of compromised liquidity.
Describe the components required for the disclosure of liquidity risk.
Identify, and design, the requirements of Stress Testing and a liquidity buffer.
Characterize the basic elements of financial contracts, their corresponding
liquidity, and the relevance of time.
Describe the essential components of market, and funding, liquidity risk.
Discuss the impacts of counterparty / credit risk on liquidity relative to
speads, defaults, credit enhancements, and asset based enhancements.
Describe the impact of behaviour on liquidity with respect to drawings,
repayments, prepayments and draw-downs.
Derive the impact of insurance risk on liquidity.
Demonstrate the purpose, and effect of liquidity gap reports, and Liquidity at
Risk (LAR).
Describe the components of the contents used for internal and external
liquidity reporting.
Training Seminar in Liquidity Risk Management