The seminar covers matrix operations, special types of matrices and the laws of matrix algebra, the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix, and eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Examples of financial applications include: manipulating covariance matrices; calculating the variance of the returns to a portfolio of assets; hedging a vanilla option position; and simulating correlated sets of returns.
At the end of Intrinsic Value's training seminar in linear mathematics and matrix algebra the participant should be able to:
Demonstrate basic operations of Matrix Algebra.
Solve two Linear Simultaneous Equations using Matrix Algebra.
Demonstrate Portfolio Construction.
Demonstrate Hedging of a Vanilla Option Position.
Describe Quadratic Forms.
Discuss the Variance of Portfolio Returns as a Quadratic Form.
Define Positive Definiteness.
Demonstrate Cholesky Decomposition.
Demonstrate Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
Demonstrate Principal Components.
Training Seminar in Linear Mathematics and Matrix Algebra