The seminar is focused on 3 papers from financial authorities and regulators: (i) Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System – The Supervisory Capital Assessment Program; (ii) Financial Services Authority (FSA) – Stress and scenario testing; and (iii) Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) – Principles for sound stress testing practices and supervision. The seminar contains guidelines and recommendations for an effective and firm-wide stress, and scenario, testing regime.
At the end of Intrinsic Value's training seminar in stress, and scenario, testing the participant should be able to:
State clearly the need for, conditions governing, and outcomes of the
Supervisory Capital Assessment Program (SCAP).
Demonstrate an understanding of the processes involved in SCAP loss and
resource projections.
Demonstrate an understanding of the SCAP capital buffer.
Describe the calculation of additional capital to build a SCAP buffer.
Identify the indicated additional capital buffer under SCAP.
Describe the components of the FSA proposed changes to reverse stress
Describe the clarifications to Pillar I and II proposed by the FSA.
Explain the findings of the BCBS relative to the performance of stress
testing during the crisis.
Describe the 15 recommendations made to banks made by the BCBS.
Describe the 6 recommendations made to supervisors by the BCBS.
Training Seminar in Stress, and Scenario, Testing