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Gamma- Gamma measures how much the option's delta changes when the underlying asset's price changes.


General or Systematic Market Risk- General, or systematic, market risk is the risk of an adverse movement in the market prices that are applied across a range of financial assets, including fixed income, loans, equity, and commodities.


Goodwill- Goodwill arises as a result of the purchase of a business for more than the value of the capital of the acquired company as it is valued in that company's balance sheet. The excess payment to the shareholders of the acquired company becomes goodwill in the new consolidated balance sheet of the acquiring and acquired companies.


Governance- Governance relates to the rules, processes, policies, and regulations outlining and definting the capacity, operational management, and administration of an organisation, business, or other entity.


Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)- Governance, Risk and Compliance, an umbrella term, covers an organization's approach across governance, risk management and compliance; it implies the process of integration across these three areas to to avoid conflicts, overlaps and gaps.Fair market price is the price the asset would fetch if sold on the market immediately to a willing buyer.

ר רועי פולניצר, MBA ,CRM , FRM הינו הבעלים של שווי פנימי - ייעוץ והדרכהשווי פנימי, רועי פולניצר, ניהול סיכונים, הערכות שווי, Intrinsic Value, Roi Polanitzer, Risk Management, Valuation, VaR, FRM. PRM, CRM. GARP, PRMIA, IARM

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