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The seminar addresses caps, floors and swaptions, which are the main option strategies used in interest-rate markets.


At the end of Intrinsic Value's training seminar in caps, floors and swaptions the participant should be able to:

􀂅  Define  cap,  floor,  collar,  caplet,   floorlet,  reference  rate,  exercise  rate,

     settlement frequency, starting date and maturity.

􀂅  Describe a cap or floor as a portfolio of options.

􀂅  Discuss various uses of caps, floors and collars in hedging.

􀂅  Define swaption, receiver option and payer option.

􀂅  Discuss the pricing of swaptions.

􀂅  Discuss the quotation conventions for caps, floors and swaptions.

􀂅  Discuss  some  uses  of  swaptions  in  hedging  and  when  they  might  be

     preferred to caps and floors.


Training Seminar in Caps, Floors and Swaptions

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